2021.7.5 Dolomite as an economical calcareous material can be used as a soil amendment to remediate acidic soil ( Shaaban et al., 2017 ). Dolomite can react with H + in the soil to release CO 2, and, thereby, improve acidic soil and increase the pH ( Shaaban et al., 2014 ), but the process is slow.
Read More2023.1.15 How does dolomite application affect the greenhouse gases emissions from the terrestrial environment? – A global synthesis - ScienceDirect. Fuel. Volume 332, Part 1, 15 January 2023, 126048. How does dolomite application affect the greenhouse gases emissions from the terrestrial environment? – A global synthesis. Author links
Read More2016.5.1 Application of dolomite not only increases soil pH, but also influences CH 4 production and oxidation (Bolan et al., 2011). Although it is well known that dolomite is a good ameliorating agent of soil properties, the effects of dolomite application on soil CH 4 emission and/or uptake are not clearly understood.
Read More2018.4.25 Abstract. Dolomite, as a carbonate mineral, has the characteristics of surface adsorption, providing magnesium and calcium resources, high refractoriness, large specific surface area, favorable heat insulation and heat preservation effect, etc. Dolomite is widely used in the fields of metallurgy, building materials, agriculture, forestry, glass
Read More2023.10.20 Overall, dolomite application increased crab health and water pH. Dolomite is a low-cost amendment, with better stability, compared to other soil amendments, thus making it ideal for...
Read MoreScience. 23 Nov 2023. Vol 382, Issue 6673. pp. 883 - 884. DOI: 10.1126/science.adl1734. Dissolution enables dolomite crystal growth near ambient conditions. By Joonsoo Kim, Yuki Kimura, Brian Puchala, et al. Science. 24 Nov 2023.
Read More2018.1.1 Definition. Dolomite is a trigonal–rhombohedral, ordered Ca, Mg carbonate mineral (CaMg (CO 3) 2) occurring primarily in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Dolomitization is the process in which Mg ions replace Ca ions in a calcium carbonate mineral. Crystal Structure and Geochemistry.
Read More2021.1.7 7 Citations. Metrics. Abstract. Background. The size of lime material is vital for the efficiency of ameliorating soil acidity, thereby influencing soil biochemical processes. However, the effects of different sized lime material application on soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization are yet to be elucidated.
Read More2022.9.19 Les applications d’asphalte et de béton préfèrent la dolomite comme matériau de remplissage en raison de sa résistance et de sa dureté supérieures. Qu’est-ce que la dolomie broyée ? Dolomite (also known as dolomite rock, dolostone or dolomitic rock) is a sedimentary carbonate rock that contains a high percentage of the mineral ...
Read More2015.12.1 Soil acidification is a major problem for crop growth, and different techniques are recommended to counteract the problem of soil acidification, including acid tolerant crop varieties, balanced and appropriate use of fertilizers, and the application of lime and dolomite (Guo et al. 2010; Sun and Huang 2012; Shaaban et al. 2014b).
Read More2016.12.2 The application of different acid fractionation effects changes the intercept of Eq. (1) such that dolomite Δ 47 values are no longer equivalent to calcite Δ 47 values at a given temperature (Fig. 1).Applying the acid fractionation factor of Murray et al. (2016) to these data results in an identical slope but with an intercept value of 0.345 (versus
Read More2021.1.7 The size of lime material is vital for the efficiency of ameliorating soil acidity, thereby influencing soil biochemical processes. However, the effects of different sized lime material application on soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization are yet to be elucidated. Therefore, a 35-day incubation experiment was conducted to determine the effects of
Read More2018.6.1 Although matrix acidizing is one of the stimulation methods for dolomite formations, very few experimental studies are reported in literatures. Wang et al. (1993) studied dolomite acidizing through acidizing coreflood experiment at three different temperatures, room temperature, 122 °F and 167 °F. The acid used in her study is 3.4 wt%.
Read More2024.1.21 Dolomite – Son traitement et son application dans l'industrie du fer et de l'acier. La dolomite est un minéral carbonaté anhydre. C'est un carbonate double de calcium et de magnésium (CaCO3.MgCO3). C'est l'une des matières premières importantes utilisées dans la production de fer et d'acier. La dolomite contient théoriquement 54,35 % ...
Read More2011.6.1 A calibration for synthetic dolomite precipitated at temperatures of 25–350 °C has been presented only in abstract form (Bonifacie et al., 2011) but appears consistent with the calcite data ...
Read More2023.8.21 En général, le marbre se forme sous des températures et des pressions élevées que l'on trouve profondément dans la croûte terrestre, généralement à des profondeurs de plusieurs kilomètres. Le marbre peut également se former par le métamorphisme d'autres types de roches, comme le calcaire ou la dolomite.
Read More2016.12.2 The offset of slopes between the variable and the constant AFFs increases depending on the decreasing temperature. For example, If the Δ47 value of dolomite is 0.75‰, the Δ47-temperature (16 °C) corrected by variable AFF is nearly four times higher than the result (4.8 °C) corrected by constant AFFs when using the equation of
Read More2024.1.1 1. Introduction. Dolomite (CaMg(CO 3) 2) is a double carbonate mineral containing calcium and magnesium, typically associated with calcite and brucite (Gong et al., 2023a, 2023b).The theoretical composition is typically represented by weight of 30.4% CaO, 21.7% MgO, and 47.9% CO 2.It is the dominant industrial raw material for the
Read More2017.8.28 dolomite application increases pH of acidic soils (Paradelo et al. 2015). However, the information regarding the effects ofdolomiteapplicationonsoilN 2O emissions intheliterature isscarce.Here,weconductedalaboratorystudy,whichaimed to examine the effects of dolomite application on N 2O emis-sions from an acidic soil. We hypothesized
Read More2023.9.9 Utilisations modernes dans l’industrie et la technologie : Les applications industrielles et technologiques du sel, en particulier de la halite, ont eu un impact significatif sur la société moderne. Il est utilisé dans diverses industries, notamment la chimie, la métallurgie et le traitement de l’eau. Sensibilisation à l'environnement:
Read More2017.12.15 Ceramic hollow fibers from natural dolomite with different pore structures have been designed. The unique hollow fibers were produced by the phase inversion method and applying different sintering temperatures.The hollow fiber precursor presented coagulated polymers through the fiber thickness due to the high granulometric size of the
Read More2015.8.20 Dolomite was applied to acidic soil in a factorial design under different levels of moisture and nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Treatments were as follows: dolomite was applied as 0, 1, and 2 g kg (-1 ...
Read More2018.3.1 This research's novelty stems from its application to limestone, dolomite, and combined mineralogy in radial and linear flow patterns. ... Dong et al. (2018) studied dolomite acidizing at 122 F ...
Read More2023.8.25 7. Applications optiques et électroniques : Optique: La calcite optique (spath d'Islande) est utilisée dans les filtres polarisants et les instruments optiques en raison de ses propriétés biréfringentes. Il peut également être utilisé pour démontrer les principes de la lumière polarisée dans des contextes éducatifs.
Read MoreAbstract. The effect of dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) application on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was examined in a laboratory study with soil from a rice paddy–rapeseed rotation (PR soil, pH 5.25) and ...
Read MorePhysical Properties. Color: Dolomite usually ranges from white to grey, but it can also occur in shades of pink, green, brown, and even black when impurities are present. Hardness: On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, Dolomite measures at a 3.5 to 4, signifying it’s relatively soft. Luster: It has a vitreous (glass-like) to pearly luster ...
Read MoreA Dolomite microfluidic system is helping Dr Samar Damiati, Assistant Professor in the Biochemistry Department at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, perform drug encapsulation studies. ... C. Applications of PLGA Particles in Drug Delivery. ... Cleek, Robert L, et al. “Microparticles of Poly(Dl-Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid)/Poly(Ethylene ...
Read More2021.7.5 1. Introduction. Dolomite (CaMg(CO 3) 2) exists widely in sedimentary rocks, in particular as an essential component of dolostones and marlstones.It is also found in some igneous (carbonitites; Jacquemyn et al., 2015) and metamorphic rocks (Lloyd et al., 2017).Dolomite in sedimentary rocks is distributed in oceans (Wallace et al., 2019) and
Read MoreDolomie, composition minérale, propriétés et application. Dolomie, composition minérale, propriétés et application. La dolomite est un minéral de la classe des carbonates, carbonate double de calcium et de magnésium. C'est aussi une roche carbonatée sédimentaire composée de la dolomite minérale sont plus de 95% et quelques impuretés.
Read More2017.2.21 Lime or dolomite is commonly implemented to ameliorate soil acidity. However, the impact of dolomite on CO2 emissions from acidic soils is largely unknown. A 53-day laboratory study was carried out to investigate CO2 emissions by applying dolomite to an acidic Acrisol (rice-rapeseed rotation [RR soil]) and a Ferralsol (rice-fallow/flooded
Read More2023.10.20 Li, Y., Li, L., Miao, W. et al. Microbiome and transcriptome analyses reveal the influence of calcined dolomite application on Eriocheir sinensis in a rice–crab co-culture system.
Read More2023.12.4 Liu et al. proposed a new strength criterion, namely the minimum potential energy release rate criterion, which can describe the fracture behaviour of materials me or accuray l e t 10 .
Read More2018.12.1 Dolomite Δ 47 temperatures in high-grade marbles range from 250 to 450 °C, and broadly correlate with cooling rate: colder clumped isotope temperatures are found in slowly-cooled dolomite marbles from orogenic belts (e.g., del Real et al., 2016), while the hottest dolomite Δ 47 temperatures are found in the contact aureoles from shallow ...
Read More2017.9.1 The literature presents applications of several ceramic materials for producing membranes, such as kaolin [9], silica [10], dolomite [11], niobium pentoxide [12] and others. These mineral based ...
Read MoreThe dolomite of most dolostones is granular, with the individual grains ranging in size from microscopic up to a few millimetres across. Most dolomite marbles are coarsely granular with individual grains ranging between 2 and 6 millimetres (0.079 and 0.24 inch) in greatest dimension. Vein dolomite grains may be up to several centimetres across.
Read More2023.2.21 Nettoyage et stockage de la dolomite . La dolomite doit être conservée dans un environnement réservé, calme et stratégiquement planifié. En général, les amateurs d'éléments naturels rassemblent leurs cristaux et minéraux dans un seul endroit, y concentrant les énergies favorables que possèdent les minéraux.
Read More2023.1.15 The application of DM also had significant effect on the CH 4 emissions (Fig. 1 b). The maximum CH 4 emissions (99.97 %) were recorded in DM applications > 10 t ha −1 and DM applications of 0–10 t ha −1 reduced the CH 4 emissions by 44.73 % (Fig. 1 b).. Overall, DM application reduced N 2 O emissions by 54.88 % (Fig. 1 c). The
Read More2016.1.1 1. Introduction. The intergrowth of dolomite and palygorskite has been documented in the geology and mineralogy of palygorskite clay. Both dolomite and palygorskite are authigenic minerals because they form in similar environments (Chen et al., 2004a, Xie et al., 2013).The unique layer-chained structure and nano-rod appearance of
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